The delivery of SEGRO Logistics Park Northampton will help generate in excess of 7,500 jobs. Opportunities for employment during the construction phase will be posted here.

As part of SEGRO's commitment to supporting employment opportunities and raising skill levels in local communities, an Employment Scheme has been developed representing a pledge by all those involved in the construction of SEGRO Logistics Park Northampton to ensure local job seekers, students and businesses can benefit from the development.

The Employment Scheme represents a commitment by SEGRO and our contractors to promote local employment and training opportunities for the development in conjunction with West Northamptonshire Council (WNC), Northampton Borough Council (NBC) and their partners, including WNC's Job Club, Job Centre Plus, University of Northampton, Technical colleges, Futures For You, Prospects and the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP). Working collaboratively with WNC, NBC and other key stakeholders, SEGRO and the contractors employed on the development will assist in targeting opportunities for the local workforce.

To support the delivery of the Employment Scheme, a new local Employment and Skills Group has been setup for the Development. The group is chaired by West Northamptonshire Council and attended by other key stakeholders as mentioned above and ultimately future tenants when they occupy the completed buildings.

We've already appointed a local Northampton based contractor, Winvic Construction Ltd, to undertake the infrastructure works. Winvic is already employing several people from the local area and will work with the Employment & Skills Group to ensure any further opportunities within its supply chain are targeted locally.

Please continue to visit this section of the website for updates and signposting on jobs and skills.